To blog or not to blog – connecting makes it worthwhile

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Lately I seem to come across numerous bloggers who are questioning whether or not to continue blogging. Or more specifically, whether they are achieving anything by continuing to blog. I think most bloggers wonder the same thing from time to time especially when their followers are small in number. In the past I certainly have and no doubt I will in the future. I think writers are always on the brink of impostor syndrome. Do we know what we are doing? Who do we think we are? Most days however, I have come to appreciate the writing practice it affords me – a boon for a struggling writer and a great way to avoid the idea of being that imposter. I love that I connect with some incredibly interesting people in the global community. This is what matters, what makes the process infinitely worthwhile.

Reading across a diversity of posts has increased my education. Connections allow us to feel part of the world and broadens our outlook. In all honesty, I do mention books often, both my own and those I read but as I am a writer it would be foolish not make use of my own blog. What I do try very hard to ensure though, is that whatever the subject I choose has universal appeal in some way. No matter the subject, I try to look for connections to everyday life because I value the connection to people.

What looks different on the surface often has underlying global strands. Do I achieve this? I don’t know but I do have some fun reading what others write. A wonderful example was a recent post by Linda who entertains us with quirky pictures in her blog Walkin’, Writin’,Wit & Whimsy. In this particular post Linda regaled us with stories of the seventies and shared parts of her life, including a song I am sure most of us will recognise. Her memories are good ones. Sometimes memories are not so good. By sharing someone else’s memories, we are distanced and that distance gives us a safer platform to look backwards to our own memories. I like to think it gives us perspective. Life isn’t always perfect but it is also what we make of it.

There are behaviours that hit us hard. Linda’s memories, pleasant and humorous, gave me pause and brought buoyancy back to my current life and reinforced a commonality – the innocence of youth, the confusion it brings but in the end there is also a growing up process. That is our connection.

I also found her choice of song interesting. It was not one of my favourites of that era and yet I saw it, heard it, and felt it differently when I listened after reading Linda’s post. Things are not perfect at any age but how we behave makes the difference. This is reinforced with every blog I read and it keeps me writing, stops me from giving up.

Connections. Bloggers create connections. In sharing their thoughts, their memories, their knowledge and the occasional YouTube segment, the reader finds themselves connected to a wider community. This is what writers, whether we call them bloggers, letter writers or journalists, or creators of fictional worlds, do. They link us to the rest of humanity. The universe must have been in sync with my reflections because I came across another post with an interesting slant on this very subject. Jane Friedman is someone I follow because she offers so much useful information to fellow writers and her audience in general.

She is the reason I discovered Susan Freitas and the neuroscience of the scene. Scenes create pictures in our brain. If we do them well as writers, we as readers reap so much benefit – we learn. Writers offer learning in areas we may never have ventured into without their words. I have taken the liberty of using a quote from Susan’s article:

  ‘Because scenes put us as readers there in the world of the story, they feel like magic. But skillful storytellers know how to use that magic in precisely the way that will best serve their story—to establish what’s most important in it, in a way that reader won’t forget.’

Susan Freitas

Magic indeed. Scenes, imagination or real memories give us entry into reflection, into believing, and into wanting to do better by showing the good and the bad in ways that penetrate our brain. They create associations, and associations create understanding. When I put pen to paper I hope for magic. I strive for magic. I stress the strive. I did not say I succeed but I try. So writers whether as bloggers or something else, keep writing and creating the connections that turn into scenes.

‘A reader reads and is caught up in the reality presented by the text. When the last page is turned the reader pauses to reflect on their own life. The experience need not be the same. It is not the genre or similarity that matters. Rather it is the fact emotions are evoked. It reminds us we are all the same – human.’

Barbara Strickland (from Emotions in Explosion coming early 2024)

Alla prossima,


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  1. Barbara – thank you very much for the shout-out; it is appreciated. I know there are many times that we reflect on the past and make things better than they really were and in the past I have said that our golden memories often get tarnished through the years. I remember associating myself with this “At Seventeen” song … now, all these years later I think I would over-think, over-worry things and having no siblings and having older parents, I would stew and fret over everything, but my strict parents kept me from really having a voice … now I look back and wonder why I was that way? I think of what kids worry about today and there is no comparison. My generation did not grow up with as many hang-ups, or maybe I didn’t know about them. I have a boring job and one that I don’t use my education or for my 43 years of being a legal secretary go unnoticed. My boss is 76 to my 67 and it is just the two of us. He wants to work until he dies with his boots on (his words not mine) but I don’t want that. I will tell you that if not for blogging and interacting with others, I would lead a very lonely life – I have no family and have worked from home since 2011. My first 4 1/2 years of blogging I had a handful of friends following me by e-mail until someone discovered a post in the blogosphere. Here’s to many more years of blogging for you, your followers and me. Thank you again for being so thoughtful Barbara.

  2. Wonderful blog post today, Barbara. You deftly put into words a lot of things I’ve thought but not been able to put on paper. Thank you for introducing me to Linda and her blog! At 70, I can still identify with the song, “At Seventeen.” I remember it from all those years ago, but I hadn’t heard it in a long time.

  3. I think that it is normal to question if we want to continue. So far, the answer has been yes for me. I sometimes need a break but I would miss the people that I have met through blogging if I stopped.

  4. This has been on my mind as well. I won’t quit blogging, however, due to some health issues I am not able to blog to the quality and quantity in regards to cooking as I used too. So for now I will continue doing what I am doing and as long as my followers stick with me I will continue to do my best. As for Linda, I have followed her for a long time and she is an excellent writer. She is witty and her posts are so much fun to read! Thank you Barb for making us all think!

    • Thank you for the lovely reply. I get it better than you may think. I will stick till you tell me not to but sometimes it is hard because I am practically vegan (I do eat fish) and can’t always make these wonderful things.

  5. What a timely post. I’m probably one of the bloggers questioning their efforts, and it is taking more work than usual to keep the blog going these days. Here’s to finding our way no matter what, though!

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