Excitement still high

Still riding the wave of satisfaction knowing Unexpected Obsession is out there with a whole new vibe. The best part is that it looks as if the print copy is getting closer as well. I am so excited to have reached this stage that I honestly can’t put it in words. I do need your help though in getting the word out there. Word of mouth and media can make such a difference. I would love it if you like and share my post on media where you can.


I’d like to take credit for the image but I had help from a lovely lady called Sylv at https.www.sylv.net/.  

The teaser however is all mine.

Lia opened the shutters and stepped onto the balcony. From this vantage point she could see the shiny black vehicle heading down the road. Leaning against the wall she watched until it became a black speck. Slowly and deliberately she rocked her head against the concrete, not enough to hurt but enough to feel it. She kept it going, reminding herself to breathe. That’s what you do at the gym, breathe through the movement and then the repetitions don’t seem so hard.

Lia took one last breath and let it out. She stilled her body but gave free rein to her mind. “It isn’t and never has been about fucking, no matter how good it is,” she whispered to the air around her. “He can’t see it, won’t let himself see it. Fuck I wish I smoked.”



Till next time


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